标题:Windows 2003 Serv-U FTP 访问停止在FEAT 出处:沧海一粟 时间:Tue, 07 Dec 2010 10:20:09 +0000 作者:jed 地址:http://www.dzhope.com/post/711/ 内容: windows 2003 开启系统防火墙或者开启路由NAT防火墙都会出现这个问题。 FTP客户端在登录成功后,发出FEAT命令后停下来了: 网上给出了好几种解决办法。 方法: 如果关闭了系统防火墙,则 FEAT 可以顺利通过并最终出现目录列表。 如何能在服务器开启防火墙的情况下,让客户端不修改设置也能登录呢? 解决方法:在例外里面添加Serv-U目录的ServUDaemon.exe并且在防火墙的-高级-本地连接设置将“FTP服务器”的勾选取消。 但是不管用,因为我碰到的问题是在ftp配置VPN,开启了“NAT/基本防火墙”,里面只有端口设置, 在网上找了好久,终于让我找到了一篇解决这个问题的文章,全英文,头大。 人生之所以奇妙,就在于有这么多的不可知。结果是这么一个偏方解决FEAT问题: go to domain settings and try to connect from other computer and you will see the same problem with FEAT, but close the connection and then on settings >> log create a log for all the checkboxes (check all and create a file to log activity), apply and then try to connect remotelly again and you will see no problem with FEAT COMMAND, i did several tests and this work... if no log activity for domain is selected, we start to see the problem with FEAT. I know you are thinking it's weird, because log only save the activity on server, but it's true, it start to work fine when all checkboxes are on and you save the data to a file. Try and post your answers. 大意是在域设置里面设置日志记录到文件,并打上所有的勾。即可解决feat命令的不执行问题。 全部勾选,记录日志则问题解决。 另外如果要开启pasv,则在serv-u的设置处,设置pasv的端口范围,然后去“NAT/基本防火墙”处开放相应的端口即可。 Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.1 Release